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Please alert the scrub typhus


Please alert the scrub typhus

The media has reported the discovery of scrub typhus on the monkeys. Please alert against the scrub typhus.

Taiwan usually experiences a jump in scrub typhus cases in April and May, with cases peaking in June and July.

The disease is caused by trombiculid mites, which hide in the grass and bushes, and attach themselves to humans or animals. When people go outdoors or travel in high temperatures or after rain, they should avoid entering the grassy areas and should wear long-sleeved tops and pants or apply insect repellents when necessary, so as to avoid being bitten.

However, the mites do not bite their hosts within 12 to 20 hours of attachment. People who have visited high-risk areas should shower and change clothes once they return home to ensure they do not contract the disease.

People should also wear trousers and long-sleeved shirts, and use bug repellent to avoid picking up mites. The disease has an incubation period of 9 to 12 days. The parasite-carrying mites leave a scar at the bite site.

Initial symptoms include a high fever, headache, and enlarged lymph nodes, and are followed by a maculopapular rash about a week later. People with symptoms should seek medical attention immediately, as, if left untreated, the disease has a fatality rate of 60 percent, due to pneumonia or organ failure.

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