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04 After the Defense


The Steps After the Defense

1. Advisor submit the Score Sheet

Advisor submit the following materials to the ICE office after the defense.

(1) The Validation Letter  **The ICE office will inform the student to collect the original copy and keep one photocopy in the office.**

(2) Dissertation Score Sheet  ** The score sheet must be submitted by the advisor or the defense committee. **

(3) Dissertation Committee Honorarium & Reimbursement Form (all committee members)


2. Student refer to the defense committee’s advice and revise his/her dissertation


3. Run the final dissertation through the Turnitin Plagiarism Check

Run through the Turnitin Plagiarism Checker system to obtain a report. According to NSYSU's regulation, the dissertation originality comparison index should not exceed 12% excluding introductions, references, catalogs, attachments, etc. If the report shows a plagiarism index higher than 12%, talk to your adviser about fixing the problems. If the score of the final version thesis is higher than 12%, the advisor have to write the specific causes and sign it on the Turnitin report. Then, students can upload it to the library. 


4. Dissertation Submission & Review Procedure 

(1) Login to the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Submission System with your SSO account and password. Before submitting the dissertation, please go to the library webpage and read the instructions. Follow the instructions step by step. You can complete the procedure.   

Graduation and thesis submission procedures for postgraduate students - Office of Library & Information Services,National Sun Yat-sen University

(i) Fill in all the information about the dissertation online.

(ii) Upload the Final Dissertation, Validation Letter

-----------> Library Thesis/Dissertation format review

(iii) Download the Dissertation Authorization Form

** Download and print 2 copies of the "Dissertation authorization form" from the system. The authorization shall be approved by the advisor. If the dissertation is to be delayed publication after 4-5 years, the certificate that involved confidentiality, patent, or copyrights according to laws and regulations must be provided, and it must be signed by the student, the advisor, and the chair of ICE. Two physical copy must be bound to the hardcopy dissertation. One is for the library and another is for the academic office. 

(iv) Upload Finalized Documents

(a) Dissertation authorization form (Signed)

(b) Similarity Report for Final Dissertation (Turnitin Report)

(c) Statement of Academic Ethics (Signed)

** The Statement of Academic Ethics must be approved by the advisor and the Department Chair. Please attach the photocopy of your Turnitin report (the score pages only) with the statement to make sure the score. Please ask for the advisor to sign on the first page of the Turnitin Report. 學術倫理聲明書必須經指導教授與系所主管核准, 學術倫理聲明書須有TURNITIN報告(全部分數頁面)當附件, 並請指導教授在報告第一頁簽名做確認

 ---------> Advisor review & verify

(2) Any questions about the thesis submission, please contact with the library.

Thesis / Graduation Procedures - Office of Library & Information Services,National Sun Yat-sen University


5. Departure Procedure

**Reminder: If you need to complete the departure procedure urgently, please notify the ICE office after the advisor submits the defense grades. The office will report to the academic office to speed up the process. Please note that the academic office needs at least 5 working days to process the certificate of degree after the grade submission.


Online Application for Leaving School 離校系統    

(1) Submit the physical the Statement of Academic Ethics to the ICE office. The Statement of Academic Ethics must be approved with the advisor and the Department Chair. Please attach the photocopy of your Turnitin report of your final dissertation (the score pages only) with the statement to make sure the score. Please ask for the advisor to sign on the first page of the Turnitin Report. 學術倫理聲明書必須經指導教授與系所主管核准, 學術倫理聲明書須有完稿論文的TURNITIN 報告(全部分數頁面)當附件, 並請指導教授在報告第一頁簽名做確認


(2) You have to print out 3 copies of your thesis. One to the ICE office, another to the Office of Library, and the other to the Office of Academic Affairs. Please note the copies for the library and academic must have the original copy of the original publication authorization letter.

從電子論文提交系統下載 2 份出版授權書。出版授權書正本必須與論文一起裝訂 (給圖書館與教務處)。 您必須列印三份論文。一份交給 ICE 辦公室,一份交給圖書館辦公室,另一份交給教務辦公 室。請注意,交給圖書館和學務處的副本必須有出版授權書的正本原件。


(3) The copy you submitted to the library will be sent to the National Central Library. If you would like to request delayed publication of your thesis, you have to submit the following application form (with the advisor and the department’s stamp) to the academic office with the physical copy of the thesis.

Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation 國家圖書館學位論文延後公開申請書 


(4) Please check your personal information (Name, E-mail, …) for the digital degree certificate. Please make sure your name and email are correct. If there is anything wrong, please let me know.請先確認系統個人資料, 如有問題, 請先告知


(5) After completing the thesis review and upload. Submit the physical copy of the Dissertation. Email the digital file of the headshot photo and the digital file of the students’ general information Form to the ICE office Ms. Yen. ( commaa@mail.nsysu.edu.tw ) Then, you will get the green light of the ICE office.

完成論文審查與上傳作業後, 繳交實體論文, email 給顏小姐證件照電子檔與學生基本資料表電子檔。你就可以得到通訊所綠燈。

  The Students' General Information Form 通訊所學生基本資料表


(6) Complete all the steps on the system. You can receive your degree certificate with all green lights on the system.

完成系統所有關卡, 全部綠燈即可領畢業證書


(7) Bring your student ID card and submit one physical copy of Mater’s thesis to the Office of Academic Affairs. Then, you can get your degree certificate. Please make sure your name on the certificate is correct. If the spelling is not correct, you have to bring your passport and apply for the correction. Then, you can get the correct one after 5 working days.  

攜帶您的學生證,向教務處提交一份論文。您就可以拿到您的學位證書。請確定證書上的姓名正確無誤。如果拼寫不正確,您必須攜帶護照並申請更正。然後,您可以在 5 個工作天後拿到正確的證書。


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