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02 Check Your Eligibility


Fill in the following two application forms and submit them with the supporting documents to the ICE office.

 01 The Qualification Assessments and Doctoral Degree Examination Review Form (學位考試審核表)

 02 The Table of the Publication (博士班個人著作目錄)

** Before fill in the applications, please take a look at the below template. **

 The Template for the application Forms  提審文件填寫範例



About the Eligibility

1. Qualification Examination

Within four academic terms after admission (excluding suspension), students must complete one of the following qualification examinations. Those who fail the examination may be withdrawn. 入學後四學期內(不含休學期間)需擇一完成下列之資格考核,未通過者,得令退學。

(1) Qualification written Examination 

Students must pass two of the ten subjects of the qualification examination listed below. At least one must be the required subject among them. The qualification examination will only be conducted once in a written format at the end of each semester. The exam date will be announced during the midterm exam. Students can take each subject up to twice, and they can change the subject they choose to take when they retake the exam. 


Optional / Required



通訊理論 Communication Theory


隨機過程 Random Processes


數位信號處理 Digital Signal Processing


半導體物理與元件 Semiconductor Devices


控制系統 Control Systems


離散數學 Discrete Mathematics


電力工程 Power Engineering


電磁波 Electromagnetics


數位邏輯 Digital Logic


訊號與系統 Signals and Systems


(2) Complete the Core Course and meet the grade requirement

Students must complete two core courses from their research group and one core course from other different research groups. The course grades of their research group must be ranked in the top 30% of the class or A- (or above). The course grade of the other research group must be ranked in the top 50% of the class or a B+ (or above).



** If students fail to pass any subject of their group in the qualification examination, the graduation thesis points shall be increased by 50%. If students fail to pass any subject of the other group in the qualification examination, the graduation thesis publication points shall be increased by 25%. The above-mentioned increase in points is not limited to journal articles.



2. The Crediting and Course Criteria 

Students' course selections must be approved by the advisor. Students must complete the minimum required credits of the program before submitting the dissertation proposal review application. Only two "Independent Studies/Special Topics" courses (6credits) are allowed to be counted in fulfilling graduation requirement. Master's students who apply for direct pursuit to doctoral degree program must complete 44 credits (2 credits of seminar inclusive) to fulfill the requirement of graduation. Only two "Independent Studies/Special Topics" courses (6 credits) are allowed to be counted in fulfilling graduation requirement. Please note that courses with the same title cannot be double-counted for graduation credits.


3. The Publicatin Points

(1) Regulations for publications

(i) Requirements of graduation points: During the study of the doctoral program, the students are required to have a minimum of 20 publication points.

(ii) Ranking papers and calculating publication points:

(a) Publication as an IEEE paper: 15 points for a long paper; 10 points for a short paper. 

(b) If the paper is not published as an IEEE paper, the thesis will be divided into three categories based on the JCR Impact Factor of the SCIE journal in which they were published:
A-level: Journals ranked in the top half of the JCR Impact Factor, each paper will be calculated as 10 points.
B-level: Journals ranked in the top three-quarters but not in the top half, each paper will be calculated as 7.5 points.
C-level: Journals ranked below the top three-quarters, each paper will be calculated as 5 points.

(c) Other journals and international conference papers will be calculated as 5 points per paper, and the publication points will be calculated for up to 1 paper

(iii) The above are the graduation thesis publication point calculation regulations for students of the Systems Group. Points for students of the EM Waves Group shall be calculated in accordance with the Rules of Calculating Publication Points for Doctoral Degree in EM Wave Group.

(2) Research results published before entering the doctoral program, or research results published in the doctoral program that are not related to the specialty, are not included in the calculation. 

(3) The following regulations shall apply when calculating the points for the works published by the graduate student:

(i) When the student's affiliation is stated in the thesis, the department shall be the only affiliated unit. If the student has other affiliated units, the thesis will not be counted towards their graduation thesis publication points.

(ii) If the first affiliated unit of a work published by a graduate student is not the department, the thesis will not be counted toward their graduation thesis publication points.

(iii) Each work can only be used as a reference for the application of one graduate student, and the student's ranking must be the first one listed among all student authors, and the ranking of their advisor shall be the first one listed among all non-student authors in the work.

(4) If a graduate student changes advisor, then their thesis published with the original advisor shall not be included in the graduation thesis publication points unless the original advisor gives written consent to be included. If there are any disagreements, the department chair will coordinate or convene an academic review committee to discuss and determine the matter.

(5) Jointly appointed and retired professors may follow the above regulations. The order of listing for retired professors and co-advisors in the thesis should be negotiated by the parties involved based on the actual guidance circumstances.

(6) The above regulations are the minimum graduation threshold of the Ph.D. program.


4. The English Proficiency Criteria 

The doctoral students are required to obtain any of the following English language proficiency certificates before applying for the Dissertation Defense. 

(1) TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) score 700 (or above) or any other language proficiency test that is equivalent to the aforementioned examination and has been recognized by the Ministry of Education. Students shall submit a copy of the certificate with a credible source which will be authenticated by the chair of the department. 

(2) In the doctoral program, students shall take at least three credits of English intermediate or advanced courses offered by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature or three credits of the English Technical Writing course offered by any department in the College of Engineering. The grade for these courses must be seventy or above.




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