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Appliaction Forms for the Dissertation Proposal Review --

 01 Dissertation and Research Proposal Consent Form (論文研究計畫提審同意書)  

 02 The Qualification Assessments and Doctoral Degree Examination Review Form (學位考試審核表)

 03 The Table of the Publication (博士班個人著作目錄)

 The Template for the application Forms  


Notes for the Ph.D. Dissertation Defense --

 Information of the Ph.D. Dissertation Application 

 National Sun Yat-sen University Thesis/Dissertation Format Regulations     封面封底顏色 : The color of the front & back cover.


Forms for the Ph.D. Dissertation Defense --

 NSYSU MAP     Provide the map to the external examiner.

 VIP PASS APPLICATION    Apply for the VIP PASS for the examiner who drives to NSYSU.


Forms for the Ph.D. Dissertation --

 The Statement of Academic Ethics    

The declaration is for the thesis. If any plagiarism is detected, the Degree will be cancelled. The student must accept any legal responsibility without laying the blame on the adviser, the committee members and ICE, NSYSU.

 Application for Embargo of the Thesis/Disseration

If you would like to apply the delayed publication of your thesis, please fill in the form. (for the National Central Library)


Useful Link --

   Postgraduate Defense Online Application 

   Thesis Submission System 

   Plagiarism Detection Checker -- Turnitin   ** Please go to the ICE office and apply for the Turnitin account.




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